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The recent U.S. Department of Transportation Connected Vehicle PlugFest was a resounding success. The May 8-12 event, hosted at the Southwest Research Institute’s campus in San Antonio, TX, focused on testing and certifying DSRC-based V2X devices.

Over 200 attendees, representing 70 organizations, from 17 countries participated in the week-long event, that focused on testing of DSRC devices. Device manufacturers participated in bench testing, interoperability testing, and field testing. View PlugFest images here!

Jeffrey Ballone of the Department of Transportation’s Volpe Center, kicked off the event with a vision for how Connected Vehicle technologies can dramatically reduce vehicle fatalities. Southwest Research Institute’s Mike Brown and Purser Sturgeon discussed the status of testing requirements and Dmitri Khijniak of 7Layers talked about DSRC device certification, including OmniAir’s planned certification program and Bill Lattin of Integrity Security Services discussed the commercial perspective regarding SCMS.

“Connected Vehicle technology is poised to hit the market,” said, Jason Conley, Executive Director at Omniair. “The strong participation in this Plugfest by automotive OEMs, tier 1 suppliers, device manufacturers, and software developers from around the world is a testament to readiness of DSRC-based V2X technology for deployment–now.”

OmniAir is preparing to launch its Connected Vehicle Certification program later this summer, and to host a Plugfest in the San Francisco Bay Area in October.

OmniAir members participating in the Plugfest: 

Future OmniAir members participating in the PlugFest:  

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