Product Certification Application Page

OmniAir’s connected vehicle certification program offers independent, third-party testing and certification for C-V2X (LTE-V2X PC5) OBUs, RSUs, and radio modules.

OmniAir’s tolling certification program offers independent, third-party testing and certification for multi-protocol RFID tolling tags and readers that support 6C, 6B-80K, and TDM.
To apply for certification under OmniAir’s Connected Vehicle or Road Tolling Certification Programs, interested device developers, manufacturers, and vendors (“Applicants”) must complete this form. If accepted, Applicants will provide sample devices to an OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory (OATL) for testing.
Submission Requirements:
- Completed application
- Payment of Certification Fees
- Signed Certification Agreement
Each candidate device requires a separate application and certification fee. Fees are non-refundable. All testing must be completed within six-months of recieving a test plan from OmniAir.
Applicants must be OmniAir members or have a membership application pending. Additional technical information is required, including:
- Executed Certification Agreement
- Verification of OmniAir Application Fee payment
- Product Capabilities Questionnaire and Checklists
- Product Data/Specification Sheet
- Product User Manual and Installation Instructions
- Pictures of Product and Labeling
- Version Control of Hardware, Firmware, and Application Software
- Product Samples for Inspection
- Evidence of FCC and other applicable certifications
- Evidence of Quality Management System Certification
Thank you for your interest in OmniAir’s certification programs.