OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratories and Field Test Sites

OmniAir Consortium® offers members independent, third-party testing and certification for DSRC-V2X, LTE-V2X, and RFID Tolling devices through our network of OmniAir® Authorized Test Laboratories (OATL) and OmniAir Authorized Field Test Sites (AOFTS).

Our authorized laboratories are all ISO-17025 accredited laboratories and have successfully completed OmniAir’s rigorous audit. The OmniAir Authorized Field Test Site (OFATS) Program designates field test sites that have been audited and approved for conducting field testing as part of OmniAir’s certification programs for RFID tolling, LTE-V2X, or DSRC-V2X devices, applications, and equipped vehicles.

The following independent laboratories and field test sites are authorized to perform certification testing for OmniAir Consortium members. Please get in touch with the laboratories or field test sites directly for details on testing pricing and the services they offer.

Kapsch Logo

OAFTS – Kapsch TrafficCom

OmniAir Authorized Field Test Site

Certificate Number:  2025013101 Applicant:  Kapsch TrafficCom Product Model:  Does Not…

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Certificate Number:  2025013101

Applicant:  Kapsch TrafficCom

Product Model:  Does Not Apply

Description:  Permanent Five-lane 2.25 Mile Oval Test Track with Four Overhead Gantries and Straightaway Access.

Certification Scope: Open Road Tolling RFID r2.0 Conformance & Interoperability (Single & Multi-Protocol States)

Test Specifications: 840-OA-TSS&TP-Gantry-SPD, & 841(a)-OA-TSS&TP-Gantry-MPD for TDM, 6B-80K & ISO-6C devices 

OAFTS Test Facility:   SunTrax – Auburndale, Florida

OATL Test Laboratory:  DEKRA – Virginia (OATL RFID-6C Tolling 2021120201).


Issue Date:                       Friday, February 16, 2024

Certification Mark:         OAFTS RFID-SP-MP Tolling 

Certificate Number:       2024021601

Applicant and Title:        Neology

Model Name:                  Permanent Overhead Gantry Test Track (Three Lanes)

Certification Type:         Open Road Tolling  RFID-6C v1.0 Conformance & Interoperability (Single Protocol State)

Test Specification(s):     840-OA-TSS&TP-Gantry-SPD (6C), 841(a)-OA-TSS&TP-Gantry-MPD and 842-OA-TSS&TP-Gantry-SPDBL

Location:                          Neology Transportation Research Center, Bryan, TX 

OAFTS – Transcore

RIFD Tolling

Issue Date:                       Friday, October 15, 2021 Certification Mark:         OAFTS RFID-6C SPD…

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Issue Date:                       Friday, October 15, 2021

Certification Mark:         OAFTS RFID-6C SPD Tolling 

Certificate Number:       2021101501

Applicant and Title:        TransCore LP

Model Name:                  Authorized Field Test Site with Overhead Tolling Gantry (6 Lanes) 

Certification Type:          Open Road Tolling  RFID-6C v1.0 Conformance & Interoperability (Single Protocol State)

Test Procedure(s):            840 and 842

Issue Date:                         Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Certification Mark:          OAFTS RFID-6C SP & MP Tolling

Certificate Number:        2023020701

Applicant and Title:         Star Systems International Ltd.

Location:                            Crandall, Texas

Certification Name:         Authorized Field Test Site with Overhead Tolling Gantry (Five (5) Lanes)

Certification Type:           Open Road Tolling RFID-6C v1.0 & v2.0 Conformance & Interoperability (Single & Multi-Protocol Operational  States)

Test Laboratory:               N/A

Test Specifications:          840 (SPD-6C), 841 & 841a (MPD-6C) & 842 (SPSL-6C)

Issue Date:                       Thursday, December 2, 2021

Certification Mark:         OATL RFID-6C SPD 

Certificate Number:       2021120201

Applicant & Location:    Dekra Test Laboratory – Sterling, Virginia

Certification Type:          Open Road Tolling:  RFID-6Cv1 SPD Conformance & Interoperability (Single-Protocol State)

Test Procedures:             802 (ISO-6C), 810a (ENV) & 820 (TPP)


DEKRA Group has a workforce of more than 44,000 employees and is present in 50 countries across all continents; core competencies also include testing and certification, test tool development capabilities, development of test plans, test cases, testbeds, and certification programs. The range of technologies covered by DEKRA today is wide, including for example GSM, GPRS, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DSRC, NFC, RFID, IPv6, medical devices, wireless charging devices, Continua, eCall, etc. These competencies have been recently expanded to cover connected car technologies and cybersecurity.


Fernando Rodriguez
VP, Strategic Development Product Testing Americas
DEKRA North America, Inc.
Mobile: +1 949-735-4781
[email protected]


TTA – Telecommunications Technology Association (LTE-V2X)


Certification Type:   Connected Vehicle:   LTE-V2X, (OBU & RSU) v1.0 Conformance…

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Certification Type:   Connected Vehicle:   LTE-V2X, (OBU & RSU) v1.0 Conformance / Interoperability

Certification Mark:  C-V2X 

Certificate Date/Number:   2021062801

Company Name:  Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)

Location:  Seongnam, Korea Test Laboratory

Contact TTA

BK Kang (강범구)
Principal Engineer (책임연구원)
IT Testing & Certification Laboratory
Telecommunications Technology Association
Tel : +82-10-5110-5045, Fax : +82-31-724-0169
Email : [email protected]
Web :


About TTA

TTA provides Testing & Certification services in areas of Network, Broadcasting & Telecommunications Convergence and Mobile communications including, for example, GSM, LTE, 5G, UHD/HDR, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mirrorlink, USB, NFC, Global Platform, IoT, OCF, IPv6, Wireless charging (WPC & AirFuel), Continua, V2X and etc. These competencies have been recently expanded to cover connected car technologies.

In order to assure the best service to customers, TTA has dedicated many years to training testing engineers and acquiring the qualification of an authorized international testing laboratory as well. With our continuous endeavor, we could reduce testing time and make our fee even better for manufactures.

As a state-of-the-art synthesis ICT laboratory, we will concentrate all our capacity for the invigoration of the creative economy with industry.


C-V2X LTE-V2X OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory

DEKRA’s Field Test Site, based in Málaga, Spain, is the world’s first OmniAir Authorized Field Test Site (OAFTS) for LTE-V2X.

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Certification Information

Issue Date:                        Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Certification Mark:          OAFTS C-V2X

Certificate Number:        202302281

Applicant and Title:         DEKRA

Location:                           Malaga, Spain

Certification Name:         Authorized Field Test Site per 721-OA-CVCA (V2X) and 745-OA-AFTS

Certification Type:           Connected Vehicle: LTE-V2X v1 Conformance & Interoperability

Test Laboratory:              N/A

Test Specifications:         767 (BSM), 769 (BSM Drive),  780 (a-V2V & b-V2I Preliminary Applications), 782 (MAP) & 783 (SPaT)


DEKRA offers a complete scope of laboratory testing, test area testing, field testing, certification services, and market-based cybersecurity assessments to meet your testing and certification needs for the connected car, now and in the future. We can help you with key aspects, including wireless connections, interoperability, electromagnetic compatibility, cybersecurity, and functional safety.


DEKRA Group has a workforce of more than 44,000 employees and is present in 50 countries across all continents; core competencies also include testing and certification, test tool development capabilities, development of test plans, test cases, testbeds, and certification programs. The range of technologies covered by DEKRA today is wide, including for example GSM, GPRS, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DSRC, NFC, RFID, IPv6, medical devices, wireless charging devices, Continua, eCall, etc. These competencies have been recently expanded to cover connected car technologies and cybersecurity.

Contact DEKRA

Rosario Trapero
Connected Car Competence Manager, DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.
Parque Technologico de Andalucia C / Severo Ochoa, 2
Malaga, Spain 29590
[email protected]

TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd.

C-V2X LTE-V2X OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory V2X

Issue Date:                        Tuesday, July 11, 2023 Certificate Number:        2023071101…

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Issue Date:                        Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Certificate Number:        2023071101

Certification Mark:          OATL-LTE-V2X (OBU)

Applicant and Title:         TÜV Rheinland Taiwan Ltd.                                                                                                                                         

Certification Type:           Connected Vehicle:  LTE-V2X R1 Conformance & Interoperability

Test Specifications:          759, 761, 762, 763, 764a, 765, 767, 768, 769 & 779

About TÜV Rheinland Taiwan

TÜV Rheinland is a leading provider of technical services worldwide. Since our foundation in 1872, we have provided safe and sustainable solutions for the challenges arising from the interaction between man, the environment, and technology. As an independent, neutral, and professional organization, we are committed to working towards a future that can fulfill the needs of both mankind and the environment in the long term.

Contact TÜV Rheinland Taiwan

Luke Hsu
C-V2X Testing Manger
TÜV Rheinland Taiwan
[email protected]



DEKRA’s laboratory based in Málaga, Spain is the first OmniAir…

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DEKRA’s laboratory based in Málaga, Spain is the first OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory (OATL) for LTE-V2X in the world. The laboratory covers the testing and certification for LTE-V2X,  cellular-based vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X)  based Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology according to OmniAir requirements.  DEKRA is also offering testing services against V2X European standards (ITS-G5) and US and EU regulatory certification for V2X devices. DEKRA offers a complete scope of laboratory testing, test area testing, field testing, certification services, and market-based cybersecurity assessments to meet your testing and certification needs for the connected car, now and in the future. Key aspects we can help you with include wireless connections, interoperability, electromagnetic compatibility, cybersecurity, and functional safety.


DEKRA Group has a workforce of more than 44,000 employees and is present in 50 countries across all continents; core competencies also include testing and certification, test tool development capabilities, development of test plans, test cases, testbeds, and certification programs. The range of technologies covered by DEKRA today is wide, including for example GSM, GPRS, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DSRC, NFC, RFID, IPv6, medical devices, wireless charging devices, Continua, eCall, etc. These competencies have been recently expanded to cover connected car technologies and cybersecurity.

Contact DEKRA

Rosario Trapero
Connected Car Competence Manager, DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.
Parque Technologico de Andalucia C / Severo Ochoa, 2
Malaga, Spain 29590
[email protected]



DEKRA’s laboratory based in Málaga, Spain is the first OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory in Europe (OATL).

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DEKRA’s laboratory based in Málaga, Spain is the first OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory in Europe (OATL). The laboratory covers the testing and certification for  Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) based Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology according to OmniAir requirements.  DEKRA is also offering testing services against V2X European standards (ITS-G5) and US and EU regulatory certification for V2X devices. DEKRA offers a complete scope of laboratory testing, test area testing, field testing, certification services, and market-based cybersecurity assessments to meet your testing and certification needs for the connected car, now and in the future. Key aspects we can help you with include wireless connections, interoperability, electromagnetic compatibility, cybersecurity, and functional safety.


DEKRA Group has a workforce of more than 44,000 employees and is present in 50 countries across all continents; core competencies also include testing and certification, test tool development capabilities, development of test plans, test cases, testbeds, and certification programs. The range of technologies covered by DEKRA today is wide, including for example GSM, GPRS, HSPA, LTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DSRC, NFC, RFID, IPv6, medical devices, wireless charging devices, Continua, eCall, etc. These competencies have been recently expanded to cover connected car technologies and cybersecurity.

Contact DEKRA

Rosario Trapero
Connected Car Competence Manager, DEKRA Testing and Certification S.A.U.
Parque Technologico de Andalucia C / Severo Ochoa, 2
Malaga, Spain 29590
[email protected]

Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH)   


Certificate Date/Number:   2019110301 Company Name:  Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH)                                                  …

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Certificate Date/Number:   2019110301

Company Name:  Korea Automotive Technology Institute (KATECH)                                                  

Test Laboratory Facility Location: Cheonan, Korea

Certification Type:  OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratory (OATL)

Scope:  DSRC-V2V (OBU) Conformance Release 1

Contact KATECH

스마트카연구본부 / ICT융합연구센터 / 연구원 조성현

Tel. 041-559-3315 Mobile. 010-4910-6173

Fax. 041-559-3069 E-mail. [email protected]

충남 천안시 동남구 풍세면 풍세로 303. 한국자동차연구원 ( )

TTA – Telecommunications Technology Association (DSRC)


Certification Type:   Connected Vehicle: DSRC – V2X (OBU & RSU)…

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Certification Type:   Connected Vehicle: DSRC – V2X (OBU & RSU) v1.0 Conformance / Interoperability

Certification Mark:  DSRC-V2X plus Certification Number

Certificate Date/Number:   2020043001

Company Name:  Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA)

Location:  Seongnam, Korea Test Laboratory

Contact TTA

BK Kang (강범구)
Principal Engineer (책임연구원)
IT Testing & Certification Laboratory
Telecommunications Technology Association
Tel : +82-10-5110-5045, Fax : +82-31-724-0169
Email : [email protected]
Web :


About TTA

TTA provides Testing & Certification services in areas of Network, Broadcasting & Telecommunications Convergence and Mobile communications including, for example, GSM, LTE, 5G, UHD/HDR, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mirrorlink, USB, NFC, Global Platform, IoT, OCF, IPv6, Wireless charging (WPC & AirFuel), Continua, V2X and etc. These competencies have been recently expanded to cover connected car technologies.

In order to assure the best service to customers, TTA has dedicated many years to training testing engineers and acquiring the qualification of an authorized international testing laboratory as well. With our continuous endeavor, we could reduce testing time and make our fee even better for manufactures.

As a state-of-the-art synthesis ICT laboratory, we will concentrate all our capacity for the invigoration of the creative economy with industry.

SGS Logo



SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification…

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SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 95,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 2,400 offices and laboratories around the world. Learn more about SGS at

Contact SGS

Parthiv Parikh
SGS North America, Inc.
[email protected]
Office: +1-(858) 304-9154

    about applying to become an Authorized Laboratory


about applying to become an Authorized Laboratory