Webinar: C-V2X Security and SCMS Interoperability Testing

March 04, 2025 11:00 am

Register for Event

Join us on Tuesday, March 4 for an OmniAir webinar on security testing for C-V2X and the path to SCMS interoperability.

A panel of leading V2X and IoT cybersecurity experts will discuss the critical role that the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) plays in ensuring the security of connected vehicle communications. Panelists, including representatives from OmniAir members AUTOCRYPT, INTEGRITY Security Services, Microsec, and SaesolTech will discuss how to ensure compliance with the IEEE 1609.2.1 standard and showcase their SCMS/PKI security services.

The webinar is designed to help V2X vendors help vendors to prepare for security testing at OmniAir’s free virtual C-V2X security testing event the week of March 17, as well as more in-depth security testing at our OmniAir Florida Plugfest in May.  This technical webinar is designed for V2X deployers, technology providers, and cybersecurity experts.

Don’t miss this chance to enhance your expertise and get a sneak peek ahead of  OmniAir’s upcoming security testing events.  Register now.