Qualified Test Equipment Certification Application Description

This OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment Application is made available to interested independent entities desiring that their test equipment be considered for designation as OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment (“OQTE”) and inclusion on the OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment List (“OQTE List”). OmniAir Authorized Test Laboratories may only use OQTE to ensure that OmniAir certification testing is conducted with approved test equipment in a competent, impartial, confidential and reproducible manner following internationally recognized standards and practices.

Submitted applications will undergo an initial review and, if accepted for further processing, an audit and inspection will be scheduled of the candidate test equipment, supporting documentation and other information to confirm satisfaction of the relevant Eligibility Requirements and relevant technical competence for use in one or more OmniAir Certification
Programs. Reference is made to the OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment Program Manual, included hereto as Attachment A.

Providers of test equipment approved for inclusion on the OQTE List are required to enter into an agreement with OmniAir (the “OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment Agreement”), a copy of which appears as Attachment A. In addition, all providers of OQTE must remain members of OmniAir in good standing, and adhere to and remain compliant with, inter alia, the OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment Agreement, the OmniAir Qualified Test Equipment Program Manual, and other requirements as may be identified by the OmniAir Technical Director, to maintain inclusion of their OQTE on the OQTE List.

In addition, test equipment providers are requested to provide (as appropriate) certain additional technical information in support of its application, including:

  • Executed Qualified Test Equipment Agreement.
  • Test Equipment Capabilities Questionnaire.
  • Completed Test Equipment Features & Use Cases Form.
  • Test Equipment Data / Specification Sheet &/or Overview
  • Test Equipment User Manual & Operating / Installation Instructions
  • Internal and External Pictures of Test Equipment and Labelling / Branding Identifiers
  • Verification of payment of OmniAir Application Fee
  • Evidence of Regulatory Testing, Certification and FCC ID number, if available

The OmniAir Technical Director may contact the test equipment provider if additional technical information is needed.

Further information regarding OmniAir’s Certification Programs and the certification process can be found at https://omniair.org/services/. The OmniAir Technical Director, Randy Roebuck, is available to answer technical questions. He may be contacted at (202) 656-9791 or [email protected]. Non-technical questions should be directed to the OmniAir Executive Director, Jason Conley, at (202) 503-1421 or [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in OmniAir’s Certification Programs.