Certification is a partnership between the device maker and OmniAir. The manufacturer applies to OmniAir first by selecting the device category, Connect Vehicle Certification or Tolling Certification and fills out a form that describes the device, system or unit under test (UUT).
ISO refers to certification as a “procedure by which a [neutral] third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to specified requirements.” This written assurance often comes in the form of a certification mark or label applied to a product or its documentation, and/or a listing in a publicly available registry. OmniAir adheres to the ISO definition and conducts its device and system certification programs accordingly.
After OmniAir receives the fee – to set up the applicant in the OmniAir database – applicants are asked to send the product directly to an Omniair-accredited test lab. Once the lab test is completed, the lab sends the report to OmniAir for review. If warranted the device will receive an OmniAir-certificate with a number and be entered into the publicly available OmniAir-Certified online database.